Qw Box Calculator

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Qw Box Calculator

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Factorio calculator, Dyson Sphere Program calculator, and Satisfactory calculator. Determines resource and factory requirements for desired output products. The thickness range for which a Welding procedure specification (WPS) gets qualified is given in ASME BPVC section IX Table QW 451.1. A simplified version of that table is given below; From the above table, one can easily find out the thickness range for which a Welding procedure can be qualified or a welding engineer can prepare a welding.

WPS thickness range ASME B31.3 Table 323.3.1 or ASME IX QW-403.6

Qw Box Calculator Free

WPS thickness range ASME B31.3 Table 323.3.1 or ASME IX QW-403.6

Qw Box Calculator

Qw Box Calculator Online

Hi everybody,
Question is determination of WPS thickness range.
Pipe type: A 333 Gr6
Thickness T: 3.76 mm
Impact test requirement: YES according to design code ASME B31.3
Welding Process: GTAW
So, the WPS min/max thickness range qualified shall be?
1. According ASME B31.3 Table 323.3.1
t/2 to t+6mm?
1.88 (3.76 /2) mm to9.76 (3.76 + 6)mm
2. According to ASME Section IX QW 403.6 and QW-451.1?
QW-403.6 - “However, where T is 1/4 in. (6 mm) or less, the minimum thickness qualified is 1/2T”
QW-451.1 - 1.5 to 2T
1.88 (3.76 /2) mm to7.52 (3.76 x 2)mm
3. Another range
Please, help with your response and explanation.
Thanks in advance.

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