Jbifrost Rat For Android

RATs are usually downloaded invisibly with a user-requested program such as a game - or sent as an email attachment. What is SpyNote Rat: It is the best remote administration tool for android devices. Is basically a hacking tool it helps to remotely access anyone android device and you can easily take control of their devices for free. The RAT’s operators, however, appear to be restless as Fortinet researchers recently revealed that the threat is revived one more time in May 2016. This time, it’s going by the name JBifrost RAT. A Look into JBifrost Latest Campaign. The Fortinet team is certain that JBifrost is a rebranded Adwind RAT with a new GUI and a few new features. RAR for Android is exactly what you would expect from an application with this name: a version of the classic program that many people use to compress and decompress files now for Android operating systems. With RAR for Android, you can work with any file in RAR, ZIP. Viralmaniar / Powershell-RAT. Python based backdoor that uses Gmail to exfiltrate data through attachment. This RAT will help during red team engagements to backdoor any Windows machines. It tracks the user activity using screen capture and sends it to an attacker as an e-mail attachment. JBiFrost RAT is Java-based, cross-platform and multifunctional. It poses a threat to several different operating systems, including Windows, Linux, MAC OS X, and Android. Based on past records, it exfiltrated intellectual property, banking credentials and Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

In this post we will learn how to create Remote Administration Tool(RAT). But before we proceed let’s discus some basic terminologies.
Trojan: Trojan horse or Trojan is a malware that appears to perform a desirable function for the user prior to run or install but instead facilitates unauthorized access of the user’s computer system. It is harmful software/code that appears legitimate. They come packed with some other piece of code or software and hence users get tricked to run them. The term Trojan has been derived from the Trojan Horse from Greek Mythology.
Types Of Trojan:
4.Security Disable rs
Jbifrost Rat For Android
6.File Sending Trojans(FTP Trojan)
Remote Access Tool(RAT): Remote Administration Tool also known as RAT is used to remotely connect and manage single or multiple computers. RAT is one of the most dangerous Trojan because it compromises features of all types of Trojans. It provides an attacker with nearly unlimited access to host computer along with Screen Capture, File management, shell control and device drivers control. RATs uses reverse connections to connect remote system and hence are more likely to remain undetected. They can hide themselves in process space of legitimate program and hence never appear in task manager or system monitors.
A Trojan generally has two parts Client and Server or Master and Slave. We can say Server is Slave and Client is Master. So a server side is installed on a remote host and the attacker manipulates it with client software. In olden days making a Trojan was a job of master programmer but now a days several Trojan building tools are available. Most of them usually have same kinda interface so its quite easy to use any Trojan client once you have used any one of them . Following is list of some well known Trojans and Trojan Building Tools,
1.Casa RAT
3.Bandook RAT
9.Schwarze Sonne RAT
11.Team Viewer
18.P. Storrie RAT
26.xHacker Pro RAT
28.Optix Pro RAT
32.MiniMo RAT
If you think the list is very big then I must tell you it’s not complete nor it covered 25% of RAT building tools.

Jbifrost Rat For Android Apk

Demonstration: How to create a RAT:Since there are several tools available and most of them have same kinda interface we can select any RAT building tool for demonstration. So here we select Cerberus Client to demonstrate working of RAT. Please note that using RAT for hacking is crime please take this demonstration for educational purpose only.
Type “Download Cerberus RAT” in Google search and download Cerberus RAT. Execute Cerberus file and launch program. Accept EULA and following interface will be launched in front of you.
To create server press new button.
As you can see there are several options are available in settings but for our demonstration we will use most common settings. In “Basic Option” type your IP address and then press “+”. In identification name of the server from which your client will identify to which server it’s listening, this name is given for your client to identify connection. No need to specify what to put in connection password. Specify the port on which you’ll like to listen. Please keep note of this port since you’ll have to configure client settings to receive information on this port.
The next option is “Server Installation”. From “Directory Installation” you can select where and in which name folder your RAT server will be installed. In “File Name” option you have to specify name and extension of your server. Boot Methods gives you option to start your server as “System Service” or “User Application” take your pick or leave them untouched. “Anti-Debugging” function allows your RAT to bypass Virtualisation and Sandboxing.
From “Misc Options” you can activate key logging feature as well as you can select how your RAT can hide itself in another process.
Display Message” option gives you power to show custom message on victim’s computer.

Jbifrost Rat For Android Free


Jbifrost Rat For Android Download

Black List Item” option allows to set logic for execution of your RAT server with respect to specific process and service. Mostly only advanced users use this feature.
Overview” allows you look of features of your RAT. Now select an icon and press create server to create server.
Now the add file function allows you to bind your RAT with any legitimate file most probable is an executable installation file. To avoid detection don’t use custom message box and UN-check “Run in Visible Mode” option while creating server.
Configuring To Listen On Client: To configure Cerberus to listen on specific port select options and put “Connection Password” and “Connection Ports” that were specified in Server. Wait for victim to execute server and then just right click on listening server and play with options.

Jbifrost Rat Download For Android

Following is video demonstration to above procedures and methods described to create RAT using Cerberus Client.
Now when next time we will discus RAT we will take a look on how you can counter and prevent yourself from RAT attack. Please give us your comments it’ll help us improve. Have a nice time and keep visiting.

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