Bonetown Game

  1. Bonetown Game Free Download
  2. Bonetown Game Tidak Mendidik
  3. Bonetown Game Of Thrones
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  • 6Bonetown Haunts

Jun 07, 2021 Bonetown: The Second Coming is a revamped version of the adult-oriented, open world game initially released in 2008. It features twice the overall amount of side content, three times the total voiced dialogue, and a graphical overhaul. This is the same game many knew and loved, just bigger and bolder than ever before. Jul 30, 2010 We’re talking about Bonetown here, a game that claims to be an ‘action/adventure/porn game’ that has been kicking around on the internet for a couple of years. This is a game about having.

  1. The full game bonetown was developed in 2008 in the adventure genre by the developer. Bonetown (full game + all extras) date of this release: Just download, extract and run the game using.exe file. Go to you bonetown folder game/data/missions then do the following: The second coming edition free download.
  2. Bonetown is a sandbox game where sex with hot women is the main goal and drugs and violence the way to achieve it. The game takes place in a coast town where everybody, be it native Americans, Jews, Pygmies, hippies and many others, does sex, drugs and likes a good fight once in a while.

Welcome to Bonetown, township of pirates! There are many things you will want to know before visiting, so read on and learn. Perhaps it will help your visit to be ... uneventful.

In order to fit into a pirate town, of course, you will need to talk like a pirate.

Here you can find the latest posts in this game.

Here is the full past history of game posts.

Bonetown Game Free Download

The chronicles of the crew of the Lionfish, as written by Sam the Bard

These are the characters, past and present, that have featured in this game.

Current Characters

Jozhur Derile Human Rogue (Played by Brock Yoder)

Rillett Savenport Human Cleric/Soulseeker (Played by Mark Bradley)

Terser Dwarven Barbarian (Played by Warren Gayou)

Fang Beastfolk (rat) Barbarian/Cleric (Played by Mitch McNair)

Bralin Stoneminder Dwarf Fighter/Cleric/Stone Warden (Played by MikeK)

Aexana Gnome Druid Greenmage (Played by Steven VdB)

Tahni Wyrmrider Dwarf Bloodwitch / Wizard / Mystic Theurge (Played by Rob C)

Past Characters

Captain Zeoll Liontaur Sorcerer/Cleric/Cradled/Seer (Played by Cayzle)

Reggie 'Two-Fist' Human ex-Monk/Cleric/Barbarian/Hand of Domi (Played by Ed Sobel)

Tishe' Weaver Human Sorcerer/Spellweaver (Played by SteveK)

Clyde Fairwind Human Bard (Played by Riki Tanone)

GameBonetown Game

Magana d’Protegido Minotaur Barbarian/Cleric (Played by Craig Wise)

Coerator Asterion Minotaur Monk (played by Mark Reid)

Alphonse (Al) Rakham Human Wizard (Played by Josh)

Baird Windcatcher Human Oracle (Played by Mike R.)

Bonetown gamepad mod

Dilantar Krenwae'afein Surface Drow Alchemist (Played by Joel (JK) Martinez)

Giada Dardanell Human Paladin (Played by Melinda)

Kane' (formerly 'Keiki') Ma’kai Half-Elf BloodWitch (Played by Stephen Knotts)

Karas Spazi Human Rogue (Played by Philip)

Kiril Chantel Human Ranger/Sorcerer (Played by Jon Long)

Koz'um Dawl Dwarf Cleric (Played by Alex)

Rogar Stonefist Dwarf Monk (Played by Walter)

Rozan Rel Astra Human Rogue/Fighter (Played by Joe Kelough)

Sam Snapdragon McFisticuff Gnome Bard (Played by David Whitford)

Shemeska Surface Drow Sharpshooter/Ranger (Played by Tanner Neilson)

Spirysn’rar Kilarn Elf Wizard/Cleric (Played by Ian Mitchell)

Tinius Gnome Rogue (Played by Denis)

Yel’kno Half Elf Ranger (Played by Jon Long)

The Lionfish heros meet many different factions and characters as they sail.

This page will list them - friend or foe: Bonetown_NPCs

The player characters in the Bonetown game are often referred to as 'the Bonetown Crew', the 'Black Lions', or 'the Lionfishers.'

The Bonetown Crew now own two specific items that are very important to the crew: the house they live in while they're in Bonetown, and the ship they sail upon the Middle Seas.

The Portside House

This wooden two-and-a-half story house, constructed quickly on a relatively small patch of property near Bonetown harbor, is very basic in looks and function. It was built by Brother Engev, a priest of Pantheon, aided by his scholarly scribe friend, Lansel, and Pantheon's few Bonetown parishioners. The Portside House is also the shoreside home of the Bonetown Crew, who met, aided, and befriended Engev and Lansel in their very first adventures. Engev and Lansel occupy small rooms on the first floor, which double as small shops for their clerical potions and scrivener's shops, respectively.

This link outlines the house in further detail: Bonetown House

The Lionfish

The Lionfish is a sailing ship; it measures about 75 ft long and 20 ft wide. However, The Lionfish is a fast vessel! She sails at 4 mph, and carries only 50 tons of cargo. You need a crew of 12 (three per watch) plus captain and first mate to run her all three watches of the day. If you do, you can make 96 miles per day, or 32 miles per watch.

This link outlines the ship and her crew in further detail: The Lionfish

Retrieved from ''

As we live in the world of 2020, where the world is more progressive than it ever has been. Where respect and equality of each race, gender or sexuality is paramount and constantly being fought for. BoneTown, a 2008 title that focuses on racial stereotypes, cultural minorities, objectifying women and mindless sexual exploits really doesn't hold up to well in the light of present day.

Bonetown Game Tidak Mendidik

In terms of style, the game looks like a very well rendered LEGO City Undercover title with more rounded textures and obviously less Lego. Then in terms of how it plays. Well, I can truthfully that this plays like nothing within the mainstream field of gaming today. Though the closest games are perhaps Leisure Suit Larry or 7 Sins. Though that is hardly the best company to be keeping.

Obscene and Offensive

The games central premise revolves around a town called BoneTown. A place where a number of minorities such as Native Americans, Hispanics, African Americans to name a few. These individuals are depicted in a stereotypical and derogatory way that deserves no praise and no acclaim, especially in the melting pot climate that we live in today.

Drugs, rape, violence and sex are the main goals and plot points of the title. Though, it seems these are simply wedged in without context simply to offend and agitate for the sake of it. The Native Americans drink and gamble, the women are essentially all sex workers and the Pygmies are rapists. It's a disgusting view of reality that comes from a place of hatred and insensitively. It's clearly marketed for a certain brand of the person in mind. If this is you, then ask yourself why that is.

Mindless gameplay

The game tries so desperately hard to be GTA. It wants so much to be an open-world sandbox with raunchy and taboo humour. Though what is achieved is something similar to Postal, though much worse in practice. At least Postal really hammed up the silly factor. This game doubles down on violence and smut and forgets the key factors that make Rockstar games successful. It's the nuance, the charm, the self awareness and the ability to know where the line is and. Just edge across it slightly.

This game finds the line, races over it and offends every single faction of modern culture in the process. If there is one saving grace of this indie title, the voice acting is actually pretty good. Don't get me wrong, nothing there are saying is good but at least it's good in terms of sound quality.

Scraping The Barrel

The regrettable decision to make this game offensive to just about anyone that isn't a racist and misogynistic white male. Plus the poorly written story, barely accessible gameplay and the core concept of the game being centred around sexual deviance culminates to give a game that is simply unpalatable in 2020

It's hard to gauge if this was a sign of the times, an honest attempt at replication tongue in cheek games like GTA or simply an attack of every minority going. Though what we do know is that almost any game available on the market should be put before this on your next one to play. This is a gutter game and it's one that should be forgotten.

Bonetown Game Of Thrones


  • Voice acting doesn't sound horrible
  • It ends relatively quickly.


  • Racist, sexist, misogynistic, promotes drug use, romanticises rape. Need I go on
  • Art style is laughable by 2008's standards
  • Gameplay is uninspired and dull
Overall rating: 2

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